Keyhole Rock, Blairgowrie : It's wild here

Yes it's a little wild. Even at low tide. People climb up the rocks and leap into a perfectly sheltered natural rock pool while photogeeks try to time their clicks to catch fleeting moments when waves and light coincide sweetly. Hopefully.

One gets one's feet wet and one tries not to get one's camera gear splashed. But at least for the humans, the water was wonderfully warm this evening. Enjoy!

(Oh, for the record, I met one other photographer here this evening. His name was Mark. From Mornington. Mark if you read this whenever, leave a comment. Who knows, we'll find ourselves photographing the same sunset again one day.)

Cliff jumpers linger to enjoy the sunset

Cliff jumpers linger to enjoy the sunset

Sunset as a wave surges over the rocky shelf

Sunset as a wave surges over the rocky shelf

And the day begins to fade

And the day begins to fade

20:15 Just a couple of minutes after sunset.

20:15 Just a couple of minutes after sunset.