Two weeks in Madagascar went by too quickly. I turned fifty a day after R turned fourteen and eleven days before A's 19th. Three cakes, huge thanks to Sue, and plenty of other goodies too. Ok we didn't use eighty three candles. Maybe fourteen.
But before we get to pictures of cakes, just want to write there's no way to write a short blog about two weeks of madness in the Midgley household in Madagascar. A photo book will be made. In the meantime I may share an extract here or there from time to time.
I wish I could say I came away with a pack of amazing images to share. But I don't think so. And that's not the point. I left with a bunch of beautiful memories to treasure. You (in Madagascar) have no idea how precious you all are. Wow, just wow, how the years have gone by, and the last two weeks have been such a blessing. So I'll be back soon. But right now I just need to shake the jet lag and maybe an extra kg ... where's that bicycle.
Now, a handful of pics from a special birthday party.
Delicious cake!
Fourteen candles smoked!
Cake being cut while the guys shout a unique version of Happy Birthday!
An empty plate is an opportunity :-)
Cake needs to be consumed!
Savouring number 77?
Feeling a little left out?