I thought I'd get back and put together a series of blogs on Madagascar. It's not easy. One must make up for time away. And before you blink two more weeks will be gone. I thought of doing themes. But I'm not sure. Maybe it's easier just working through the days. Maybe today will be a small selection from 19th to 21st July. And maybe I'll double back later. Maybe. Here goes.
Early morning: I wake up and walk outside finding two sweet Madagascan White Eyes in the tree nearest the house. A great way to start a bird walk!
Mid morning: Diesel is in the tower. There's probably only one thing on Diesel's mind. White eyes. Ok, two things, White Eyes and Fody's and the warmth of the sun. Wait that's three. And come to think of it, since Diesel is female, I think She should probably be re-named Dieseline!
Mid-day: Justin and I took a walk with our cameras. Ouma and Joelle followed a few minutes later. So we photographed them.
Justin hoping his young model approves. I think she did. I was playing paparazzi hiding behind the bushes :-)
Stuff you photograph when you're slightly bored. And it's good to just have some time sometimes. It did have amazing eyes though. It's hopefully since been eaten by one of the amazing Madagascan Bee-eaters or many Stonechats that worked the neighbourhood. We'll feature some of those another day.
Burning off energy outdoors. Sometimes literally. Boys will be boys.
Evan would spot this Raptor almost every morning maybe around 11. He'd come running and I'd do my best to shoot it. Which wasn't good enough as it was always too far by then. We think it's either a Red Kite or a Black Kite.
Burning off more energy indoors. Fortunately I don't think they've really discovered Fortnite. The flavour of the holidays was good "old" Mario Cart on the Wii.
Speaking of Forts...
Let me finish with one more beautiful moment. I can only imagine what she's saying.