Saturday 11th August was one of those "Four seasons in a day" days. Huge clouds flirted with the sky and, occasionally, the earth. Starting with steady rain on the roof. Clearing by ten or eleven. Plenty of puddles remained making for some great reflections. And seeking those opportunities, Saturday's plan. It's handy to walk with a plan. To try to focus on. Rather than shoot everything.
As I walked the day turned to sunshine; and then, just when one might have thought it would be sunny till sundown, the rain returned, together with icy cold sleet that left a real chill in the air. Sony batteries are tiny. I had five but the freezing cold air chilled them to early retirement forcing me to call it quits sooner than I would have. But it's all good. I had a great walk.
All pics made with the 'special' street Sony. I compressed shots to make it easier to view. With the exception of the shot above, in the order taken. I hope you enjoy.