I awoke at 05:40 thinking I was early. Unfortunately the clocks had been set back an hour which meant that the sun would be up in fifty minutes, not in one hour and fifty. It turned out to be a very beautiful sky. Which I enjoyed while making my way to the Silos. Unfortunately any colour had vanished by the time these pics were taken. So I'll try to go back. But rather than waste them, here are a couple for the record.
Bike ride, Melbourne
One of these days I'll hook a camera on the bicycle and try to youtube the ride to the city. It's pretty, interesting, scenic. Half the fun in going into the city with a camera is getting there on a bicycle. The ride takes me roughly 1.5hours vs half an hour in the car. Felt like a good opportunity to unwind and burn some chocolate energy. Especially on a perfectly still blue-sky 22 degree day in Autumn.
I try to get something different each time I take the camera out. I still see perfect moments and forget (or am not ready) to click the shutter. If you neglect this 'art' you definitely slow down. Even if you're not artistic and I don't think I really am but I try. And it's good to walk and breath the air either way.
I usually take two cameras. One, an inconspicuous compact fixed 35mm focal length which usually takes most of the shots. The other a compact with a zoom lens just in case. Only used the zoom lens to compress the buttons on the concrete block (see lower down). Anyhow, here are some of my favs from today. Enjoy!
Returning to London Bridge
They say you should go back. And practice makes perfect. I don't know about perfection. But I'd like to think I get better... and it's fun. Once again I was alone on this beach. That's a surreal feeling. It's such an extraordinary place. And a mesmerising place to be alone. Tonight my favourite shots were taken a few minutes before and a few minutes after sunset. It's officially Autumn. The leaves are beginning to fall in my street. But it was warm enough on the beach. Even the water lapping around my feet was... lovely. Anyone want to dust off a camera and join me next time?
Melbourne, the day before Christmas Eve
I collected a print from the Photo Shop in Port Melbourne. Left that in the car. But it felt like a good day for a walk. So the car stayed and I walked north, toward the city. It's only 4km. I knocked off 2km's on foot; then trammed it to the Melbourne Exhibition Centre (in Docklands). Then I photo-walked the city. All pics were taken with the one small 35mm-lensed camera over a handful of hours. I made my way up to Bourke Street Mall and lingered till nearly 9pm to try to photograph the (how many hundreds must there be) Christmas lanterns illuminated against the evening sky. It takes so long to get dark when you're in a hurry!
Melbourne conveniently showered us with summer evening rain providing some neat reflections too. Afterwards I took the tram back to Port Melbourne. Following instinct to know when to hop off as I've never taken that route before and now it was completely dark.
Stepping onto the platform I opened my maps app and the clever thing offered "Directions to your parked car" as first option. So I clicked that, finding it was parked only 300m away. I hadn't even told it where i'd parked. But it knew. How good is that!
A merry, blessed Christmas, everybody!