Exploring Flinders Blowhole

I've been on holiday for two weeks. But this, second, week was destroyed by a nasty infection that would have ended me if not for the discovery of antibiotics on Friday 28 September 1928. That must have been a very good Friday with so many millions of lives saved.

Friday 5 January 2018 was a beautiful sunny 27c day with hardly any wind and the first day I felt strong enough to head to the beach and explore. Well, to be precise, Flinders Blowhole, at which there is a small sandy beach, but, mostly rocks, some spectacular boulders, and some pretty rock pools.

Here, then, are some of the photographs. Taken in the middle of the day. Not the ideal time of day for photography. But, whatever, here they are.

Waiting for the right wave

Waiting for the right wave

Never turn your back on a monster..

Never turn your back on a monster..

The view is worth it

The view is worth it

Reflections in a super tranquil rock pool

Reflections in a super tranquil rock pool

Those waves

Those waves

From crazy to calm

From crazy to calm

That tree

That tree

That rock has such interesting layers

That rock has such interesting layers

Flaming sky

Flaming sky

I loved these colours. And there's a fisherman down there!

I loved these colours. And there's a fisherman down there!

Fresh from the sand

Fresh from the sand