Work remains busy and the air outside oppressively warm for days. Lethargy seeps in by the ends so it gets hard to be motivated for an evening shoot. But the sky looked interesting this evening. So I took the camera and tripod to Mordialloc creek and had a go. It (the sky) didn't happen. But I took a few shots anyway and waited to catch a train crossing the bridge over the creek as it left the local station. Not an amazing evening. But there's just something about being near the water in the evening. It's impossible to photograph the refreshing sea air / breeze that beats being inside a hot house on a warm summer night!
We've been blessed with a few beautiful sunsets recently. So at the last minute I decided to have a go at getting one in a new location. Not necessarily a good idea.
It takes 27 minutes to drive from my house to Mordialloc Pier. That's what Apple Maps said. But then I needed to track further along the bay to locate an ideal vantage point to capture the sun setting behind the Pier. Once I'd found said spot I had about 2 minutes to whip the camera from the bag and land it on the tripod. The first shot was my favourite because of how the water/waves 'fell'. But it's hard to choose. Anyone who's tried photographing water knows every shot is different and unique and you may need to take quite a few to get one that feels just right. Ideal shutter speeds range from, maybe, 1/5 to 2/3 of a second. So here are 3 shots taken within seconds of each other around 20:41pm just as the sun reached the horizon. And one or two taken a little later.